3-D city modeling for sustainable energy applications

The information contained in this web page is part of the scientific project No. 1/0355/09 supported by the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic ("Modeling the distribution of solar radiation in urban areas and its potential for use").

Authors: J. Hofierka, J. Kaňuk

Selected publications:

Hofierka, J., Kaňuk, J. (2010): Aplikácie 3D modelov miest v geografickom výskume. Zborník príspevkov 15. kongresu Slovenskej geografickej spoločnosti v Košiciach. In press.

Hofierka, J., Kaňuk, J. (2009): Assessment of Photovoltaic Potential in Urban Areas Using Open-Source Solar Radiation Tools. Renewable Energy 34, pp. 2206-2214.

Kaňuk, J., Hofierka, J., Rosič, M. (2009): Mapovanie areálov bytových domov v mestách Slovenskej republiky z aspektu energetického využívania slnečného žiarenia. Geografický časopis 61, pp. 139-151.

Hofierka, J., Kaňuk, J. (2009): Geographical approaches to the assessment of solar resources in Slovakia (according to the example of a case study in the city of Prešov). In: Ira, V., Lacika, J. (eds.): Slovak geography at the beginning of the 21st century. Geographia Slovaca 26, 2009, pp. 191-200.

New 3D vector solar radiation model - v.sun (in cooperation with M. Zlocha)

Solar radiation in January

solar radiation in

Solar radiation in July

solar radiation in July

Geometry of 3D city models derived
photogrammetrically by Eurosense, s.r.o. Bratislava








Demogeographic analyses: Number of people living in the building older than 65 years


Functional structure of buildings (residential houses, blocks of flats, office buildings, school b., ...)

building functions

Google Earth (the zip file includes Collada file for a 3D model + .kmz file)

Unipo in Google Earth

Energy balance in urban landscape of Presov, June 15 (modelled by r.sun of GRASS GIS)
